I'm a pilgrim on the pilgrimage called Life

Merak village, East Bhutan
I am a pilgrim on the pilgrimage called Life. Life is a journey both in real sense and in metaphor-sense. Those people who can travel and see the world are, I think, truly blessed and lucky souls. Travelling is like recharging your otherwise monotonous life. It fills us with beautifully fresh memories. It adds vibrant colors to a boring, scheduled, mundane life. It also opens the gates of our souls to a sea of new feelings and emotions. Needless to mention, travelling fosters new friendship and experiences. Though, I have travelled a very less portion of this giant world, it’s my dream to go see some beautiful destinations someday. When it comes to travelling, I feel I’m like a curious infant ever ready to take every opportunity to learn new things.

Even when travelling through Bhutan, I always am mesmerized by the beauty of my country. The freshly frozen snows on the tall mountains, the intricate matrix of endless mountain ranges, the richly colored trees and flowers along the highways, the gently flowing brooks in whispering forests, the smell of delicious foods being cooked when you pass by small hamlets, the beauty of the sky filled with countless stars on chilly winter nights, the poetic scenario of sun rising from behind the hills, the fresh dew drops shining on soft blades of grasses and the sights of farmers living in peace and joy! All these make me feel divinely insane, an experience crudely resembling like that of having a good ‘kick’ after puffing a pinch of the mysterious drug Heroin.

Well I consider myself the lucky one amongst the unlucky lot. In the last five years, I got see, live and experience the joy of life in beautiful places like Goa, Mysore, Bangalore, Bodhigaya, Varanasi, Patna and Tibetan settlement camps in southern India. From all these places are unique memories inked into my consciousness that I shall never forget. And in times to come, I wish to see many places in many nations, make many friends in many towns and cities and share with them the happiness from a happiness loving country called Bhutan! For they say sharing is love and sharing is joy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome back Dawa! Indeed, traveling opens up our soul and mind and let us refresh and be away from our mundane life. May all your wishes and dreams come true soon and when it arrives, make it a great one! ;)


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