September Coming

One night in August, Thimphu, Bhutan

Walking home from work yesterday evening, I came across trucks and trucks of military men passing by. A cool August wind laden with aroma of lemon grass was blowing, brushing my curly brown hair. School children were going home too. A drunken man lay asleep beside the road. To perfectly soak in the moment, I plugged in my earphones and listened to the good old Scorpions song: Winds of change.

Change, then I thought, is a part of life. The most romantic month of the year, August, is slowly giving way to September. For someone who takes great joy in the beauty of nature, the coming of September is a huge treat. In September you get to see clear dark skies at night, filled with a billion twinkling stars. In September, you get to behold green leaves on the trees turning into colors of yellow and red. In September, you get to enjoy the peaceful & joyous Bhutanese festivals. And in September, we welcome our first Bhutanese Losar: Thrue Bab (Blessed rainy Day).

After a long cloudy & rainy summer season, September brings you the gift of joy and tranquility. For farmers in remote hamlets of Bhutan, it is time to collect bountiful harvest after waiting for months nurturing their plants. For Highlanders, it is time to migrate to warmer places with their animals.

And for me: It is time to become a silent poet. It is time to borrow a piece of William Wordsworth’s poetic soul. I look forward to be living in the moments throughout September. Sitting on a red plastic chair on verandah, watching the sun set behind mountains surrounding Thimphu, letting the soft & gentle September wind kiss my face,  drinking pure water, munching a September apple, playing an old Bhutanese rigsar song from the nineties on the guitar, watching the magic in nature: when the stars appear one after another in evening sky, when a crescent moon makes its entry in the eastern horizons, when the western horizons become a hue of orange & yellow, I will sing songs of joy and thank God for bringing back the beautiful September once again for me to enjoy!

Then, when September ends, someone should wake me up from the intoxication I will get by over- enjoying September. 


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